Sometimes looking at the array of IT services can be daunting, especially if you do not have a lot of background in the field. Just pairing up technology to a problem that needs solving can be a big task. So rather than rattle off a list of technologies, here are a number of functions Paris Consulting can help you with:

  • If you have to do a lot of stare and compare with data, generate reports in Excel or Access, retrieve data from one source, validate it and change its format so it can be used somewhere else.
  • If you need to look at data and find some way to relate one set to another, to generate something actionable.
  • If you have reports to generate regularly, involving multiple steps, and you’d love to click a button, maybe make a few selections and have it done in minutes instead of hours.
  • If you have to take reports and spend man hours entering the data into a database where you can then run queries on the data and would love to automate it.
  • If you generate and/or receive a lot of data but aren’t an SQL master, or a DB Admin, and need an easy process to add it to the database.
  • If you need to design and build a website or web application
  • If you need help troubleshooting and fixing a website or web application

Paris Consulting can help you with all of these tasks and more.